Friday, June 7, 2013


photo 1

This picture really does not do it justice (you need sound to truly appreciate the environment) but this is what it looks like when six children and four adults eat lunch together at my house. The start of summer vacation means that my sweet nieces and nephews will be spending some time closer to our house visiting with their grandparents. Many of those days end up with everyone congregating at the farm and since our house is the closest today we ended up here for lunch.

photo 4

With six kids you can imagine the chaos – one wants hotdogs, one only eats chicken, one thought they wanted a hotdog until they saw the hotdog and then wanted chicken too and the rest of us want bbq.  One wants to watch Disney one wants to watch ESPN one wants to watch Veggie Tales and John Brooks is running circles through the kitchen and living room because he is SO EXCITED to have people to play with that he can’t sit still long enough to play with them.

Its my absolute FAVORITE TIME at my house! I am not kidding as crazy as it can get I absolutely adore having a lot of people and especially a lot of kids in my house. I love the laughter and noise and playing and even the occasional squeals. I love having just the right snack that each one likes or knowing the right game to play or the right movie to watch!

…my husband is currently re-thinking his “4 boy mantra”. Smile

…oh and would the person who left the Cheetos at my house please come and retrieve them…my thighs thank you for your cooperation!

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