Thursday, September 26, 2013



I love that word. It conjures up such beautiful, romantic thoughts.

So, did you hear that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Pumpkin Spice Latte? Considering I did not know of their existence until probably 2008 makes this a particularly astonishing landmark to me. 10 years…we’re talking 2003…we’re talking college days….did we have a Starbucks in 2003? So to mark the 10th anniversary and all I FINALLY actually purchased and consumed a PSL. I know…”Hello Paige, Welcome to the world, how was that rock you were living under? “ Sometimes I like to (erroneously) pretend that I am a rebel non-conformist who doesn’t just order the drink that everyone is supposed to order. In this case I am sad that I waited 10 years because there is a reason people drink that thing…the PSL is DELISH! Its like fall Autumn in a cup. Smile Its even orange….from the natural pumpkin extract I presume…Here are some other things – in no particular order -  I love about this favorite season of mine (cliché I know but I was fall before it was cool okay).

- Football season

- Tailgating

- Friends coming into town for football season

- Sunbelt Ag Expo (I am such an Ag nerd)

- My (Our) wedding anniversary

- Oyster Roast!

- Fall Festivals

- Burgundy (the color….not the alcoholic beverage…mind out of the gutter peeps)

- boots (although we won’t be wearing them til at least November)

- cool-ish weather

- Gator Homecoming parade (I’ve already mentally planned to take my kids out of school each year…weird right).

- High School Homecoming

- Coming Home in general is just always great fun!

- FL v UGA game

- FL v FSU game

- jeans

Love y’all!

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