Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What’s Up Blog-Nation


Holy moly I have so many pictures and stories to share from the past few weeks! Of course now that I’ve had time to blog my computer has been on the fritz and this is the first instant I’ve had to catch up.

July 7 008

First and foremost I have a feeling that we are rapidly approaching and may have already entered toddlerhood with this guy up here! Holy moly this kid is cuh-razy! All boy does not even begin to sum up his antics lately. Don't get me wrong I am thrilled to death that I am momma to such a fun-loving, social butterfly of a boy but it is becoming increasingly difficult to contain this little bundle of energy and mama gets tired!

For example, today we went to the splash park and after 10 minutes of playing in the actual water he ran in the grass, tried to escape out of the gate, climbed into some other baby’s stroller, climbed in to another little bitty baby’s carseat carrier, tried to drink out of a stranger’s cup, stole every single water bucket at the park (note to self bring toys) and generally kept me on my toes for the whole hour and a half we were there….so much for catching up with my friend who met me there with her sweet, calm, kind, laid back almost 3 year old. Smile 

At least my life is never dull. Smile

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